Saturday 12 April 2014

Cleansing Your Crystals

Hematite Buddha

There are several methods of cleansing crystals:-

  • if you live by the sea take the crystal to the sea, cleanse in sea water, by allowing the water to wash over it, and energise in the sun

  • smudge the crystal with sage, e.g. sage stick, incense; this method has been used for centuries by native American and native African cultures

  • place the crystal on a large crystal cluster or on another mineral, which is a specific energizer, for 12-24 hours. An amethyst bed is or carnelian is a good energizer

  • Cleans the crystal in flowing river, or tap water and energize in the sun.  Water is the universal cleanser and is effective in cleansing undesirable energies from all physical forms

  • Vibrational essences of rose, honeysuckle, essential oils, or specialised essences sprayed on to the crystals are a good cleanser.  The essence strips away negativity and cleanses the sone while the purity and energy of the flower is transmitted to the stone

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