Sunday, 15 November 2015

Crystals for Arthritis

Rhodonite Heart Pendant

Arthritis is a disease of imbalanced body chemistry.  Whatever the immediate factor that heralds the onset of arthritis, the body is not eliminating uric acid efficiently.  Some people's bodies get rid of toxins more efficiently than others.  Stress and anxiety reduce our ability to deal with toxic wastes, incorrect diet gives the body more toxins to deal with and environmental pollution adds to the total burden the body has to cope with.  Once a toxic accumulation has built up, it will eventually manifest itself as dis-ease.

The colour range of Rhodonite ranges from pink to rose red, brown red, green, yellow and black.

Rhodonite can create a clear path to balance the ying yang energy, and help to attain calm assurance in all activities. Rhodonite has been called a "stone of love" and helps one to achieve their greatest potential. It activates and energizes the heart chakra and conveys the resonance of unconditional love to the physical plane.

Rhodonite dispels anxiety and promotes coherence, bringing to the user an observant nature and facilitating attention to details and interrelationships.

In healing Rhodonite has been used in the treatment of emphysema, the treatment of inflammation of the joints, light sensitivity, streptococcal throat infections, heart disorders, and arthritis.

♥Astrological Sign: Taurus♥
♥Vibrates to No: 9♥

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