Rainbow Moonstone Earrings
The energy of moonstone is balancing, introspective, reflective, and lunar. The energy relales to "new beginnings" allowing one to realize that these "new beginnings" are, in actuality, the fruition of each "end". It is a stone for hoping and wishing; and can assist in sustaining and maintaining and understanding the destiny one has chosen. It works to bring the galactic evolved energies from other worlds to accessibility. Moonstone is a stone for "feeling" and understanding via intuition and emotional "thoughts", rather than intellectual reasoning. It brings flashes of insight, banishing the possibility of neglecting ones profit from that which is experienced - it stimulates intuitive recognition and helps one to apply the intuitive knowledge in a practical sense. It also enhances perception and discernment, enabling one to make decisions.
Moonstone can help with emotional tension and enhance creativity and self expression. It cleanses negativity from the chakras, enhancing the feminine aspects of ones nature while providing for spiritual nourishment and sustenance. Once called the "travellers stone", it is used for protection against the perils of travel. Moonstone is also a talisman of good fortune. The energy of moonstone provides the body with a sustaining force. It can stimulate the properties of rejuvenation and can alleviate many degenerative conditions with respect to the skin, hair, eyes and the fleshy organs of the body.
The energies of moonstone are accessible when worn, or carried.
Astrological Sign: Cancer, Libra & Scorpio
Vibrates to No.4
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