Tuesday, 29 April 2014


Rhodonite Mini Angels

The colour range of rhodonite includes pink to rose red, brown-red, green, yellow and black.  It is usually veined by black alteration products.  Rhodonite has recently been found in Brasil in the formation of druses.

Rhodonite can create a clear path to balance the yin yang energy, and can help you attain calm assurance in all activities.  It has been called a "stone of love" and helps you to achieve further greatest potential.  It activates and energizes the heart chakra and conveys the resonance of unconditional love to the physical plane.  It is also excellent for stimulation, clearing, and activationf of the heart chakra, while grounding of the physical and mental energies.

Rhodonite has been used in the treatment of emphysema.  Also in the treatment of inflammation of the joints, light sensitivity, streptococcal throat infections, heart disorders and arthritis.

Atrological sign:  Taurus
Vibrates to the number 9

Monday, 28 April 2014


Sodalite Tumblestone

Sodalite is found in igneous rock, in Bolivia, Brazil, Equador and Greenland.  In healing, the stone is particularly effective at quietening and stabilizing, encouraging calmness on every level of being.

Sodalite colour range includes dark blue, grey, green, yellow, white, lavender blue.  It helps to eliminate confusion and to both equalize and stimulate your intellect to be compatible with each situation.  It has been used in the treatment of gland metabolism, and can be used in the treatment of digestive disorders, to dispel insomnia and to emeliorate disorders associated with deficiencies of calcium.

When polished good quality sodalite can be difficult to tell apart from the more valuable lapis lazuli.

Sodalite can help the transmission of messages over vast distances, and its healing functions:-

  • cleanses the lymphatic systm, enhancing the immune system
  • stabilizes emotions
  • clarifies perception
  • expands awareness during meditation
  • encourages peace and contentment
  • to release subconcious blocks, place sodalite at the brow, throat and sacral chakras

Astrological Sign:  Sagittarius
Vibrates to the number 4

Tiger Iron

Tiger Iron Palmstone

Tiger iron is comprised of golden tiger eye, red jasper and black hematite.  It combines the qualities of these three minerals as described in the respective sections of this book.  It can be used to assist in creative endeavors, prompting the artistic abilities toward beauty and works.  Tiger iron helps you to find havens of refuge when danger is perceived.

In addition, it stimulates the physical vitality to "put a tiger in your tank".  It has been used to promote the assimilation of the B-complex vitamins and to increase the white/red blood cell count.  It can also be used to strengthen the muscular structure.

Astrological Sign:  Leo
Vibrates to the number 7


Aquamarine is a variety of beryl.  The colour ranges from light blue to green.  It is a "stone of courage".  It provides a shielding property for the aura and the subtle bodies.  It encourages the innate ability to "always be prepared" and has been used to guard against injury during battle.

Aquamarine provides for alignment of the chakras and balancing of the network of structures connecting the physical and ethereal bodies.  It helps you to attune to more spiritual levels of awareness, for those who are involved in spiritual development, it provides emotional and intellectual stability and enhances the connection with the higher self.  It enables you to travel deep within the self and to understand the complexities, to simplify the information and to remain centred.  It emits a gentle and compassionate energy, exhibiting moderation; it helps judgmental people to be more tolerant, and can help one who is swamped by responsibility to bring order to the process.  It also helps one to take responsibility for your actions and encountered situations.

Aquamarine stimulates, activates and cleanses the throat chakra, facilitating communication of a higher quality than the mundane.  It has been used in the treatment of swollen glands, and can also be used to balance and fortify the glands.  It is excellent for the eyes and vision and assists in the maintenance of the teeth and with the formative bone structure.

Astrological Sign:  Gemini, Pisces and Aries
Vibrates to the number 1

Saturday, 26 April 2014


Sunstone has a range of colours including grey, green, yellow, brown, orange, pink, peach, and red.  Sunstone usually shows brilliant reflections due to inclusions, usually hematite or goethite.  This crystal can be used to both clear and energise the chakras and can also provide for a brightening of the chakras.  It assists in gently removing the blockages which have infiltrated the energy centres.  Sunstone can be used to dissipate fearfulness, alleviate stress and to increase vitality.

It has been used by the Canadian Indians in rituals of the medicine wheel to show to the spirit guides the connection with the golden white healing light of the sun.  In ancient Greece it was thought to represent the sun god, bringing life and abundance to those who wore it.

Sunstone is helpful with chronic sore throats, and has been used to reduce stomach tension and to relieve ulcers.  It can be used in the treatment of cartilage problems suffered by athletes.  It was used by ancients for rheumatism (one sits in the sun surrounded by a circle of sunstone), aching feet and spinal problems.

Astrological Sign:  Libra, Leo
Vibrates to the number: 1

Monday, 14 April 2014

Rutilated Quartz

Rutilated Quartz Tumblestone Bracelet

Rutilated Quartz is also known as Angel Hair, this beautiful combination of quartz and rutile is found in the Alps in Europe, the Urals in Asia and in Brazil.  Prized as a precious stone, it is cut into facets and its clear and orange gold tones make it excellent for encouraging the body to repair itself.

The body of the quartz is often slightly smoky in colour.  When the rutile crystals are thin, they appear as brassy or coppery metallic threads and are usually straight.  The thicker and more numerous the rutile crystals, the more opaque the stone.

Rutilated Quartz speeds up events and processes and removes obstacles, also for healing purposes:

  • helps to knit damaged tissues together
  • relaxes tense muscles
  • lightens heavy moods
  • helps us to see beyond fixed ideas
  • encourages us to make progress, no matter how tough life gets
  • place rutilated quartz on any parts of the body that have suffered tissue damage, broken bones or muscle strains
Helps with allergies, asthma, breathing and heart problems


Saturday, 12 April 2014

Charging and Programming Your Crystals

After you have cleansed your crystal you can charge it:-

  • place the crystal on a large crystal cluster

  • place the crystal in the centre of a circle, where the circle is comprised of other crystals whose terminations are pointing toward the centre

  • place the crystal in sunlight or in the light of the moon; the full moon and new moon are more heavily charged

  • it is best to pre-programme your crystal to receive Divine will resulting to reflect actualization for the good of all

  • program the crystal for protection and light

  • the act of holding a crystal and intending to use it for a specific purpose is the simplest form of programming for healing or meditation crystals
moonstone generator with chakra stones

Cleansing Your Crystals

Hematite Buddha

There are several methods of cleansing crystals:-

  • if you live by the sea take the crystal to the sea, cleanse in sea water, by allowing the water to wash over it, and energise in the sun

  • smudge the crystal with sage, e.g. sage stick, incense; this method has been used for centuries by native American and native African cultures

  • place the crystal on a large crystal cluster or on another mineral, which is a specific energizer, for 12-24 hours. An amethyst bed is or carnelian is a good energizer

  • Cleans the crystal in flowing river, or tap water and energize in the sun.  Water is the universal cleanser and is effective in cleansing undesirable energies from all physical forms

  • Vibrational essences of rose, honeysuckle, essential oils, or specialised essences sprayed on to the crystals are a good cleanser.  The essence strips away negativity and cleanses the sone while the purity and energy of the flower is transmitted to the stone


Saturday, 5 April 2014

Snow Flake Obsidian

Snowflake Obsidian Tumblestone Pendant
Obsidian is lustrous volcanic glass.  The colour range and related names are varied.  The intrinsic properties of the numerous forms of obsidian include the reflection of ones flaws and the promotion of a clear picture of the changes which are necessary to eliminate the flaws.  The energies of obsidian produce very blunt answers, focusing ones inner vision and stimulating a picture or vision of the required course of action.

Obsidian is an excellent grounding stone and provides for a connection from the base of the spine to the heart of the earth.  It is an excellent protective stone, stabilizing internal and external energies and gently protecting one from that which could bring physical or emotional harm.

It provides a sheild against negativitiy, transforming negative vibrations within an environment.  Carrying or wearing obsidian further disperses those unloving thoughts which arise from within the self or are directed toward ones physical form.  It is good for healing, providing both the healer and subject with clarity with respect to both the cause and amelioration of the disease.

Snowflake obsidian is a black obsidian with inclusions of a white mineral called phenocryst, whose structure within the obsidian, when polished, resembles a snowflake.  It allows one to recognize the unnecessary patterns which remain in ones life and to redesign ones thought patterns to provide relief from undesired conditions.

Snowflake is a stone of purity, bringing both purity and balance to the body, mind, and spirit.  It can be used in the treatment of disorders of the veins and the skeletal structure.  It can also be used to smooth the skin, using an elixir, and to clear the eyes.

Astrological Sign of Virgo
Vibrates to the number 8


Aventurine Angels

Aventurine was used in Tibet to increase perception and improve eyesight.

The most common colour of aventurine is green; but blue and red-brown is also popular, it is used primarily at the heart chakra to both activate and clear.  It is also an excellent protector of the heart chakra, providing for a shield to block the entry from those who wish to "tap in" and use the energy of another.

Aventurine has been used in the treatment of disorders of the lungs, heart, adrenal glands and the muscular system.

Healing functions:-

  • calms and stabilizes the emotions
  • encourages a positive outlook
  • increases tranquility (especially blue aventurine)
  • Green aventurine is one of the best balances for the heart chakra, and promotes spiritual growth and gratitude for what you have
  • Red-brown aventurine brings happiness and relaxation

Astrological sign Aries
Vibrates to the number 3


Lepidolite Tumblestone Necklace

Lepidolite ranges in colour from pink, purple, yellow, grey, colourless and white.  Lepidolite activates the throat chakra, the heart chakra, the third eye and the intellect.  It also opens the crown chakra and allows for the flowering of the inner blue lotus, assisting one to become aware of the subtle vibratory energies within and without the self.

Lepidolite is used for stress reduction and to alleviate despondency.  The energy is refreshing and almost sentimental.  It can be used to locate energy blockages within the body, placing the lepidolite upon the different areas of the body, one can usually feel a slight resonance at the location of the obstruction.

Lepidolite assists in gardening and in agricultural activities, helping to align the energy forces to produce abundance and to eliminate or to rectify disease.  It can assist in digestion and in the relief of tension and stress related disorders.  It can be used to promote the relaxation of wrinkles, providing a smoothness to the skin, an elixir is recommended.  It can be used in the treatment of disorders related to tendonitis, leg cramps, tight shoulder muscles, and elimination.  Lepidolite can assist in soothing the nervous system, stabilizing the flow of blood and in calming the heart.  It can also be used in activities to restructure the DNA.  It is excellent for use in the mineral form and as an elixir.

Astrological Sign: Libra
Vibrates to the number 8

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz Heart Bracelet

 Rose Quartz is one of the most valued quartz varieties and is renowned for its delicate pink tone  Most rose quartz these days comes from Brazil but there are also sources in India, Madagascar and the USA.  In healing work, the rose quartz encourages the heart to open, bringing more trust and love into our lives.

Rose Quartz emits a calming, cooling energy which can work on all of the chakras to gently remove negativity and to reinstate the loving, gentle forces of self love.  It provides the message that there is no need for haste in any situation, bringing calmness and clarity to the emotions and restoring the mind to harmony after chaotic or crisis situations. (I admit that I wear the Buddha pendant on a gold chain, where it rests comfortably on the thymus area, and I don't take it off, and miss it when I have to cleanse and re-charge it). Rose quartz is especially helpful at the locations of the heart and the crown chakras.  The energy is soft and silky, producing a gentleness from without and from within the user.  It has been known as a stone of "unconditional" love, bringing peacefulness and calm to relationships.  It promotes receptivity to the beauty of art, music, and the written word, enlivening imagination, and representing a young, warm love.  Rose Quartz can be used for spiritual attunement to the energy of love.  It provides for balancing of yin-yang energy and can attune each chakra to, and provide each chakra with the proper frequency of energy vibration. It is excellent for healing emotional wounds.  Placement of the crystal in your environment and wearing or carrying the crystal all stimulate the true life force of LOVE.

On a physical level Rose Quartz can be used to clear fluids in the cells of the body and to promote the release of impurities.  It can be used to enable the opening of the heart centre, dissipating stress and tension.  It has been used in the treatment of vertigo, and provides help in the diminishment of disorders of the kidneys and adrenal glands.  It can be used as an elixir to clear the skin and to reduce wrinkles and promote a soft complexion.  Placed upon the area of the thymus, it has decreased coughs and soothed the bronchial and lung areas of the body. (I didn't get the dreaded chest infections this winter that I usually get).  Maybe it was due to wearing the rose quartz pendant all of last year and this year.

 Astrological sign: Taurus and Libra
Vibrates to the number 7