Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Aventurine and Healing Properties


Aventurine (astrological sign of Aries) is a variety of mineral (usually quartz or feldspar) which is spangled with bright particles of mica, hematite, etc.  The most common colour of aventurine is green; it is used primarily at the heart chakra to both activate and clear.  It is also an excellent protector of the heart chakra, providing for a shield to block the entry from those who wish to "tap in" and use the energy of another. Aventurine provides for balancing of the male/female energies, enhancing ones creativity, supplementing motivation in activities, and augmenting the "pioneering" spirit.

It also reinforces ones decisiveness, amplifies ones leadership qualities, and is a willing participant in instinctive action.  It facilitates balancing and alignment of the intellectual, emotional, physical, and auric bodies.  It has been used in the treatment of disorders of the lungs, heart, adrenal glands, and the muscular and urogenital systems.  Vibrates to the number 3.

  • calms and stabilizes the emotions
  • encourages a positive outlook
  • increases tranquility

Monday, 9 September 2013

Carnelian and Healing Properties

Large Chip Carnelian Bracelet

Carnelian, or cornelian as it used to be known, is an excellent, all round healing stone - gently warming and very stabilizing.  Few stones are as accessible, as versatile, as "friendly".  It works particularly well with the second, sacral chakra.  Some may find the energy of carnelian a little too strong, but the addition of other cooling stones will soften its effect.  The stone is a form of chalcedony occurring as pebbles or massive lumps.  Beware of imitations, other chalcedony is often dyed to resemble carnelian.

  • a popular stone in carved amulets, rings and seals, worn for courage, confidence and protection from harm
  • releases stress and trauma
  • enhances creativity
  • repairs subtle bodies
To buy or see carnelian healing layout go here

Sunday, 1 September 2013

Properties of Clear Quartz

                                Clear Quartz Large Chip Bracelet
Clear Quartz is also known as rock crystal, clear quartz was the first substance to be described as crystal.  It is the world's most common crystal, constituting more than a tenth of the earth's crust, clear quartz has always been prized by healers and shamans as a means of accessing the spirit world.

  • amplifies the energies of other stones if placed nearby
  • helps to reveal the truth
  • used for divination and scrying
  • amplifies and strengthens the whole aura
  • cleanses and shifts energy
  • releases blocked emotions and helps to bring about calm
  • increases clarity of thought and sharpness of perception
  • brings spiritual peace - ideal for meditation and contemplation