Friday, 20 December 2013

Properties of Rutile Quartz

Rutile Quartz has been known to represent both the lovely hair of Venus and the "sweet" tipped arrows of love.  It has been likened to the appearance of wheat straw and angel hair, especially when found within another crystal.  The ethereal aspects of rutile quartz, when found within another crystalline form, bring strength with love, ease in transition, growth in all avenues of ones development, and calm, reason, and order.  Rutile is used for healing and balancing the aura via repelling negative energy.  It affects the physical, etheric, and astral bodies.  It assists one in getting to the root of a problem and, hence, provides for access to the reason for a dis-ease, so that one can remedy the situation.

Rutile quartz is a stone for stabilizing relationships, marriages, mental processes, and emotional and physical imbalances.  It allows for the realization that each person shares the powers of the universe, the passions of the planets, and the understanding from the advanced worlds.

It also dispels unwanted interference from both the physical and spiritual worlds - the mechanism is unclear, but in the the physical world, it tends to eliminate circumstances which could facilitate interference; and in the spiritual worlds, a clear message is sent, asking for no interference.  In the cases of the spiritual worlds, a clear message is sent, asking for no interference.

Rutile Quartz has been used in the treatment of bronchitis, to stimulate "sparkle" in the eyes, to egulate mothers milk, to strengthen the walls of the blood veins.

{Astrological Signs of Gemini and Taurus}
Vibrates to the number 4

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Properties of Lapis Lazuli

Lapis lazuli has a history that stretches back over 5000 years.  It was prized by the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt, whose craftsmen used it to make treasures such as scarabs and eye shaped amulets.  Lapis was thought to be able to cure melancholy and recurring fevers, as well as increase mental clarity, and intuition.  It is likely that the ancient Egyptians got their lapis from Afghanistan, which has the best sources.    A rock rather than a crystal, lapis lazuli's main component is blue lazurite.  It sometimes includes sodalite, usually pyrite, and often has a matrix of calcite.

The finest examples are an intense blue, with small gold flecks of pyrite.  Lapis lazulite is

  • truth, balance and justice
  • promotes steadfastness and courage
  • supports the throat and upper chest areas
  • draws anxieties to the surface
  • aid communication and meditation
  • provides insight and clarity of mind
Lapis lazulite can be placed over the third eye to aid one in developing insight into ones own dreams.  It assists in providing a connection with the dram forces which are working to both guide and counsel one during altered states. 

It helps one to overcome depression and enhances the states of serenity and self acceptance.  It is said to bring cheer to the user and to bring success in relationships.  It assists in balancing the yin-yang energies, focusing on the optimum equilibrium during each situation or circumstance of which one is a participant.

It has also been used as a protective stone, sheltering the wearer from physical danger and psychic attacks.

Lapis lazuli can be used in the treatment of disorders of the throat, bone marrow, thymus, and immune system.  It can help to relieve the symptoms of insomnia, vertigo, and dizziness.  Lapis lazuli can be used to access the energy to sustain health and to restructure cellular, muscular, and skeletal disorders.

{Astrological Sign of Sagittarius} {Vibrates to the number 3}

Lapis Lazuli Necklance

Saturday, 14 December 2013

Do Shambhala Bracelets Mean Anything

The mythical peaceful kingdom Shambhala is ruled over by the Kalki Kings and Queens. The monk artists of Katmandu, who can spiritually vizualize this kingdom, have inspired this Shambhala range. Connect with the magic and mystery of Shambhala by wearing the beautiful jewellery. These Shambhala bracelets are packaged beautifully in their own black real velvet pouch.

What Do The Different Colours Mean - The Rhinestone crystals are large and White is a mixture of different colors and it is associated with purity, perfection and innocence. White also denotes truth, integrity and fulfillment. To put it short, white could be said to be associated with spiritual traits. It signifies a fresh beginning and it is a great inspiration.

The Rhinestone crystals are large and Red is the Root Chakra, denoting enthusiasm and passion.  It is for confidence, security and for earthing you.

The hematite beads  are large in these bracelets, two large and two medium, and are said to help with aches and pains and rheumatism, and to help with the blood circulation. Hematite can be called a "stone for the mind".  It helps one to "sort out" things in ones mind, and can be used for mental attunement, memory enhancement, original thinking, and technical knowledge.  It assists one in mathematical pursuits and in the development of both mental and manual dexterity.  It assists in the dissolution of negativity, transforming the negativity, in the dissolved state, to the purity of the universal light of love.

Shambhala bracelets are a symbol of peace, tranquility and happiness.  To buy the shambhala bracelets go to

Sunday, 1 December 2013

Merkabah Energy

The Merkabah energy
The energies are the flooding of the MerKaBah, the energy vehicle of Light, which is spinning clockwise and anti-clockwise now, bringing in a massive vortex like field. This is bringing in the spinning out of those clogged and negative part...icles stuck in our brain .... that old programming and old mind controlling which no longer serves the collective good of mankind. This can lead to headaches, to dizziness and even nausea... and even feelings of disorientation.. slightly blurred vision...vertigo... What it is doing is opening up those unused parts of our brain, together with the pineal and pituitary glands, and a hidden area between the two, which is called the Crystalline Chamber. It is forming new transmitting capacities there, which means that our higher faculties, which have lain dormant for thousands of years are now being re-activated. This will mean that those who never opened up their inner seeing, hearing etc. will find they suddenly have what seems like pictures flashing in their minds, like those on a TV screen. Others might suddenly see auras, or hear music, as all our inner senses, which have to do with our 6th senses, are getting more and fine tuned and reactivated. This will bring out a revolutionary shift in the whole way that we view, sense, feel, and construct the world around us, and bring about the huge shift in the way the scientific world will be shifting towards greater embracing of heart felt science and that which they tended to scoff, like the sciences of the soul and energy healing etc
Merkabah Pendulum at


Sunday, 10 November 2013

Properties of Blue Howlite

Blue Howlite is Howlite dyed a very pretty blue colour. It is sometimes called Turquenite because of its resemblance to Turquoise. Blue Howlite has all the properties of undyed Howlite. Like Howlite, it has the ability to calm your own anger and to absorb anger directed at you. Its soothing energy can also reduce tension and anxiety and can help still the mind before sleep or meditation.

Like undyed, Howlite a grid of Blue Howlite placed around the bed can relieve insomnia caused by racing thoughts at bedtime. Blue Howlite is said to reduce a tendency to over criticise, promote selfless behaviour and to encourage patience. It is also said to help you become aware of your ambitions and goals and to encourage you to achieve them. In addition, a piece of Blue Howlite, placed by your bed, is said to help you remember and understand your dreams

Monday, 28 October 2013

Dowsing with Pendulums

Using a pendulum to help make a decision

Crystal Pendulums can be used to channel the subconscious to help you to get answers to some of the questions in your life.
The first step is to establish which way the pendulum will swing for 'Yes' and which way for 'No'.
Hold the chain of the crystal and steady the pendulum. Ask simple questions, with a simple yes or no answer, that you know the answer to. The pendulum should swing; note which way it moves for yes and which way for no. A circular or diagonal swing is often taken to mean 'don't know'. Now ask the pendulum questions that you would like to know the answer to.
If you need your pendulum to give you the answer to a decision that you do not want your subconscious to influence, such as whether to take a job in a different part of the county, write the options on several pieces of paper. Screw each piece of paper up into a ball and mix them up so that you don't know which one is which. Hold the crystal pendulum over each one in turn asking a pertinent question.
For example if you have had a job offer and are thinking of moving the family to Cornwall write Cornwall on 2 pieces of paper and your home town on two more pieces. Screw them up into balls. Hold the pendulum over each piece of paper in turn and ask a question such as 'Which decision will be for the greater good of me and my family?'.
Note which way the pendulum swings to help you gain insight into the decision you should make.

Using a pendulum to find a lost item

Dowsing with a pendulum can also be used to find something that is lost or hidden. Again you first need to establish which way the pendulum will swing for yes and which way for no (as above).
Then travel from room to room asking the pendulum if the lost item is in that room. If the answer is yes, move to different areas within the room and ask the pendulum again, eventually you should narrow down your search until you find the lost item.

Using a pendulum to discover areas of negative energy in your home

Some people might find that their home has areas of negative energy where they may feel cold and clammy, get shivers down their spines, or just feel uncomfortable. These areas may have been caused by arguments or stress and tension within the home. Or, if you have moved into a new house, they may have been left behind by previous tenants.
To deal with this problem you need to locate exactly where these negative areas are. You can use a pendulum to help you to do this. The first step is to program the pendulum as above. The way the pendulum swings for 'no', is the way it will swing to show negative energy.
Walk slowly around your home holding the pendulum. The pendulum should swing when it encounters an area of negativity. When your pendulum starts swinging, walk slowly backwards until the pendulum stops swinging, this should help you to pinpoint exactly where the negative area starts and finishes.

Amethyst Double Terminated Pendulum
and Rose Quartz Bullet Pendulum

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Aventurine and Healing Properties

Aventurine (astrological sign of Aries) is a variety of mineral (usually quartz or feldspar) which is spangled with bright particles of mica, hematite, etc.  The most common colour of aventurine is green; it is used primarily at the heart chakra to both activate and clear.  It is also an excellent protector of the heart chakra, providing for a shield to block the entry from those who wish to "tap in" and use the energy of another. Aventurine provides for balancing of the male/female energies, enhancing ones creativity, supplementing motivation in activities, and augmenting the "pioneering" spirit.

It also reinforces ones decisiveness, amplifies ones leadership qualities, and is a willing participant in instinctive action.  It facilitates balancing and alignment of the intellectual, emotional, physical, and auric bodies.  It has been used in the treatment of disorders of the lungs, heart, adrenal glands, and the muscular and urogenital systems.  Vibrates to the number 3.

  • calms and stabilizes the emotions
  • encourages a positive outlook
  • increases tranquility

Monday, 9 September 2013

Carnelian and Healing Properties

Large Chip Carnelian Bracelet
Carnelian, or cornelian as it used to be known, is an excellent, all round healing stone - gently warming and very stabilizing.  Few stones are as accessible, as versatile, as "friendly".  It works particularly well with the second, sacral chakra.  Some may find the energy of carnelian a little too strong, but the addition of other cooling stones will soften its effect.  The stone is a form of chalcedony occurring as pebbles or massive lumps.  Beware of imitations, other chalcedony is often dyed to resemble carnelian.

  • a popular stone in carved amulets, rings and seals, worn for courage, confidence and protection from harm
  • releases stress and trauma
  • enhances creativity
  • repairs subtle bodies
To buy or see carnelian healing layout go here

Sunday, 1 September 2013

Properties of Clear Quartz
                                Clear Quartz Large Chip Bracelet
Clear Quartz is also known as rock crystal, clear quartz was the first substance to be described as crystal.  It is the world's most common crystal, constituting more than a tenth of the earth's crust, clear quartz has always been prized by healers and shamans as a means of accessing the spirit world.

  • amplifies the energies of other stones if placed nearby
  • helps to reveal the truth
  • used for divination and scrying
  • amplifies and strengthens the whole aura
  • cleanses and shifts energy
  • releases blocked emotions and helps to bring about calm
  • increases clarity of thought and sharpness of perception
  • brings spiritual peace - ideal for meditation and contemplation

Thursday, 29 August 2013

Properties of Amethyst

Amethyst Core Pieces

Amethyst has been one of the most popular and mystical of all gemstones.  Amethyst is the name given to purple quartz and some believe that its name derives from the Greek word "Amethustos" meaning not to intoxicate. Amethyust is the birthstone of February.  It is also associated with the zodiac signs of Pisces, Aries, Aquarius and Sagittarius.  Since amethyst is a variety of quartz coloured by iron, shades vary from pale lilac to dark purple, but it can turn brown, yellow or green if exposed to heart.  The crystal mostly forms in geodes, in rock cavities left by volcanic gas bubbles.

Cleansing on Amethyst:  Amethyst triggers the ability to dissolve 'attachments'  we experience this immediately when Amethyst helps us to let go of sadness and grief and to find more inner peace, or when it is time to let go of addictions and cravings in order to become freer and more self-determining.  Amethyst brings liberation and is therefore highly prized among orders of monks in many religions.  Not for nothing can it be seen adorning the finger rings of Catholic bishops.  Amethyst works for animals as well (dissolving of traumatic experiences, plants (driving away pests).  When cleansing any crystal lay it on an amethyst druzy bed and leave for at least 12 hours or more.  If you have cleansed the crystal under running water it may not need to be as long as 12 hours, but jewellery, which is not cleansed under running water, needs to lay on the amethyst bed for 12 hours or more.

  • helps to maintain equilibrium in all situations
  • balances polarities
  • encourages self control
  • calms harsh emotions and brings stability
  • helps practical applications of imagination
  • aids meditation and sleep

Saturday, 24 August 2013

Properties of Rose Quartz and its healing qualities

This crystal, one of the most valued quartz varieties, is renowned for its delicate pink tone.  The impurities of titanium or manganese that give it this hue also prevent the growth of large individual crystals, which means it is usually found in massive form.  Most rose quartz these days comes from Brazil but there are also sources in India, Madagascar and the USA.  In healing work, the stone encourages the heart to open, bringing more trust and love into our lives.

  • fosters an appreciation of beauty
  • inspires feelings of love and friendship
  • rapidly releases emotional stress - the effect is so intense that it can be uncomfortable (to avoid this, balance with grounding stones)
  • uncovers the underlying causes of other problems, such as a negative self-image
Rose Quartz Angel Pendant